
What are the benefits of a waste management software to the ESG metrics on the companies?

The Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an approach to evaluate how far a corporation works for the benefit of social goals that go beyond the role of a corporation to maximize the profits on behalf of its shareholders. Usually, the social goals defended within an ESG perspective include working to achieve a determined set of environmental goals, as well as a set of goals related to the support to certain social movements and a third set of goals related to the fact of the corporation being governed consistently with the goals of diversity, equity and inclusion movement.

A waste management software can help companies to improve their ESG metrics (environment, social and governance) as follows:

  • Waste reduction: the software allows the monitoring and optimization of waste management, resulting on a reduction of the generated waste.
  • Improving of the energetic efficiency: the efficient waste management can help reducing the energetic waste, improving the energetic efficiency.
  • Transparency and regulatory conformity: the software provides precise and trustful registrations that help guarantying the conformity with the local and international regulations.
  • Reputation’s improvement: a responsible waste management can improve the image and the reputation of the company before the shareholders.

myWaste is an example of waste management digital platform focused on data governance and ESG indicators which delivers information traceability from the generation to the final destination.If you, manager, wish to implant the ESG and the waste management in your organization, know that the benefits are since the beginning of planning through the whole management and they can have a great impact, as in the reduction of costs, increased profits, increased interest from the investors and an improvement on the image of the company.   

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