Traceability on the company’s waste management
The meaning of the word traceability influences directly on the management’s development of companies providing waste collection services, managing their own wastes or responsible for their final destination.
On this text we are going to comprehend the factors that highlight the importance of capturing the information about your company’s wastes. Let’s start talking about how to have efficiency between the administrative and operational processes.
Organization is the key-word
For the organization to be effective, it is necessary to work with trustful systems of processing and data storage.
From this on, you can enjoy specific functionalities for the service that your company provides. For example, a dashboard that shows the collection routes, which teams will do the service and which equipment and documentation is necessary to have in each site.
It is no useful to register the information perfectly on the administrative sector if they do not get in real time to the teams on field. This is a technological characteristic that guarantees the differentiation on the activities’ development. Obtaining the information remotely among all the sectors of a company is decisive for the transparency of the process between customer/supplier.
But how is it possible to provide data mobility?
Through the years the technology contributed significantly to solve this. The same way the administrative team turns available the work schedule for the teams on field in a web system, the operational team accesses and updates the information in real time in a mobile device (cell phone or tablet).
Through the implantation of this new practice on the company, it is possible to trace all the waste’ life cycle: transportation, destination, route organization, collecting sites mapping, waste classification, geolocation, capture of picture from the before and after the collection, report generation, MTRs and status notification through email.
With these functionalities it is possible to have efficiency on the traceability and visibility management, eliminating manual controlling, guaranteeing quality and agility on the collection information, increasing the efficiency of the drivers’/auxiliars’ work and the transparency between the company and its customers.
Traceability and bureaucracy
The main problems of the juridic people are on the management, traceability and proof for the final destination of the waste, because these processes are done and monitored through paper forms, spreadsheets or systems fed by typed data away from the generator fact. The manual processes, with no validation on the collection site, make the juridic people vulnerable under the proof of the generated waste flow.
Evolving on the management process with the help of the mobile traceability of information helps the juridic people on the bureaucracy, logistics and legislation, assuring speed and transparency, generating reports to the companies and environmental organs. After all, the legislation demands transparency, detailed information and indicators about the generated waste with the proof of the final destination.
Know MyWaste: a management system that guarantees the traceability
MyWaste enables the complete waste management of any kind of organization, from the generation until the final destination.
On Mywaste platform there are two modules: a web module on the cloud (Microsoft Azure) to support the business’ operational and administrative area; and a mobile module (App) looking for attending the users on the field.
The App was developed with a national technology multi-platform supporting the three main mobile operational systems (Android, IOS and Windows). Besides, it is possible to use the App offline by the collection agents.