
The generation of contracts can be a very slow task, mainly for companies that have a big customers portfolio. Besides demanding a lot of time, typing a contract involves a lot of bureaucracy and any mistake on your writing can cause many problems for both the company and the customer. Thinking about that, MyWaste developed […]

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The Waste Transportation Manifest (Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos – MTR, in Portuguese) is a numbered document that serves to control the expedition, the transportation and the receiving of the waste in the unit of final disposal. In Rio Grande do Sul, the MTR is emitted by the system MTR ONLINE through the FEPAM website […]

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According to the rule, the solid waste are defined as: waste in the solid and semi-solid state, that result from industrial origin, domestic, hospital, commercial, agricultural, from services and sweeping. It is also included on this definition the sludge from the water treatment systems, those generated in equipment and installations of pollution controlling, as well […]

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Society has been noticing the dimension of the unmeasured use of the natural resources from our planet. The demanding for products that use raw material coming from the environment has been increasing due to the high level of productivity and consumerism. This situation is putting in risk, not only the ecosystems that suffer with this degradation, but also the own destiny of humanity, that has been being compromised by the unbearable patterns of consumerism.

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Slowly we can notice on the media and on the social media an increase on the engagement by the society, companies and institutions about the concern with the environment. The populational growth is directly linked to this manifestation in which the urbanization brought the unrestrained generation of waste.

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The accesses in real time about the waste management data provide a reliability about the status in which the collects are. It influences, considerably, on the administrative processes that must be done according to the transportation, logistics and waste collection rules, optimizing the productivity of the operational team work from the company.

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The management on any kind of waste must prioritize the minimization of the generation and the reuse of materials, in order to avoid the negative effects about the environment and the public health. The prevention must be based on the analysis of the products’ life cycle to search for the sustainable development.

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What are dangerous wastes?

  • 16 de maio de 2017

There are many ways to classify the wastes: because of their nature (dry and wet), their chemical composition (organic matter and inorganic matter)

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The meaning of the word traceability influences directly on the management’s development of companies providing waste collection services, managing their own wastes or responsible for their final destination.

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It has been more targeted and valued the way that people evaluate their behaviors in society and its reflex in the preservation of the ecosystem.

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