In 2015, 193 countries members of the United Nations adopted a new global politic: the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development, which main goal is to elevate the world development and to improve all people’s life quality.
For that, it was established 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – ODS, in Portuguese) with 169 goals to be accomplished through a conjunct action that joins different levels of governments, organizations, companies and the society as a whole in the international and national scope and also local.
The ODS 12 aims the sustainable production and consumerism, focusing on global and local actions, as reaching the efficient use of natural resources. In this goal, it is also included the care with solid waste and a diminish on the pollutant emission.
About the solid waste, this ODS can be reached through the reduction on the waste generation by the prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, both in consumption and in production.
Besides, rethink the products’ life cycle and redraw the production chain. Separate and dispose the waste on an adequate way. Take care of the waste amount and the food loss, including the loss after collecting. Adopt technologies that recover the waste, make the most of the raw material, think about the post-consumerism and packaging, linking to the principle of the producer’s extended responsibility.
One of the goals of this ODS is, until 2020, reach the adequate environmental management of the chemical products and of all the waste, along all their life cycle, according to the accorded international rules and reduce significantly the liberation of these to the air, water and soil, in order to minimizing their negative impacts on the human health and the environment.
Another goal is, until 2030, reduce substantially, the waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
It is becoming more and more evident that the adoption of production standards and sustainable consumerism and the adequate management of solid waste can reduce significantly the impacts to the environment and to health.
The waste management, on the context of ODS 12 about the Responsible Consumerism and Production, means to guarantee a healthy life and a sustainable planet in the future. The good management of these ones is relevant and supports the implementation of many others, if not all the ODS.