
A 2017 survey released by Opinion Box revealed that consumers are increasingly concerned with a company’s sustainable practices.

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In 2015, 193 United Nations member countries adopted a new global policy: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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In waste management, generating and supplier companies must work in alignment in search of the best alternatives to manage waste

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The sustainability is not linked only with the environment, but also, with the social and economic environment, forming so, the three pillars that aim to guarantee the planet’s integrity and to improve the quality of life. Let’s understand a little more about the three pillars of sustainability: Social: it refers to the human capital, as […]

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The packaging logistics that a waste transportation company needs to realize, in order to supply the demand of all the customers, needs to be assertive and efficient. The packaging, like boxes, trash cans and containers, for example, are items that make part of the company’s patrimony and the registration and the control of these materials […]

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Within the main goals on the day by day of companies that provide collection and waste transportation is the lack of innovative resources to become the activities more dynamic and patterned, once it is common the use of forms in paper to data registration and control, which generates reworks with typing in spreadsheets and increases […]

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The generation of contracts can be a very slow task, mainly for companies that have a big customers portfolio. Besides demanding a lot of time, typing a contract involves a lot of bureaucracy and any mistake on your writing can cause many problems for both the company and the customer. Thinking about that, MyWaste developed […]

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The Waste Transportation Manifest (Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos – MTR, in Portuguese) is a numbered document that serves to control the expedition, the transportation and the receiving of the waste in the unit of final disposal. In Rio Grande do Sul, the MTR is emitted by the system MTR ONLINE through the FEPAM website […]

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According to the rule, the solid waste are defined as: waste in the solid and semi-solid state, that result from industrial origin, domestic, hospital, commercial, agricultural, from services and sweeping. It is also included on this definition the sludge from the water treatment systems, those generated in equipment and installations of pollution controlling, as well […]

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Society has been noticing the dimension of the unmeasured use of the natural resources from our planet. The demanding for products that use raw material coming from the environment has been increasing due to the high level of productivity and consumerism. This situation is putting in risk, not only the ecosystems that suffer with this degradation, but also the own destiny of humanity, that has been being compromised by the unbearable patterns of consumerism.

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